The Tat people |
The Tat of Azerbaijan number about 22.000.
The majority of the Tat live in Dagestan, in Kaitag, Magaramkend, Derbent
and Makhachkala. A small number have settled in North Caucasia - Gorny
and Nalchik. The Tat descend from Iranian tribes that moved into the Caucasian
mountains in the 5th and 6th centuries.
The Tat include three groups: Muslim (90% Shia), Christian and Jewish Tats - the latter also known as Mountain Jews or Juhuro. There's some debate on the origin of the Jewish Tat, with some defending that they are not Tat at all but simply Jews that took the Tat language, while others argue that they are the descendants of Tats that converted to Judaism.
Although the Tat have been an agricultural people from the beginning of their history, they have also developed a strong urban community. Farmers living in the valleys raise wheat, barley, maize, grapes and cattle. Those living in mountain villages raise sheep, bulls and buffaloes. In the north-eastern area, communities consisting of 80 to 120 households are located in mountain settlements built on ledges. The availability of water determines the villages' location, each village contains a religious building, a bath area, a well, as well as family dwellings.
The Tat are considered a closed society because they insist on maintaining ethnic purity by allowing marriage only within the tribe. Anyway, for such a small ethnic group, this is the only strategy for survival. sources: multimap, bethany, Red Book of the Peoples of the Russian Empire |
see also: Quba, people, synagogues, summary, places, photos |
A to Z of Azerbaijan / A dan Z ye Azerbaycan |